Portrait of Michelle Polster, Family Lawyer

Michelle Polster


Fields of experience: Family law 

Expertise: Negotiation, mediation, arbitration, litigation

Areas of specialty: Child support, child custody and access, spousal support, equalization, and complex property disputes.

T 416.549.1473 

E mpolster@rosensack.com

V Michelle Polster

Michelle represents and advises clients on all issues related to family law, including child support, parenting and contact, spousal support, equalization, and complex property disputes. She regularly appears in the Superior Court of Justice, represents clients in alternative dispute resolution processes, and drafts domestic contracts.

Michelle is also designated Preferred Counsel by the Lawyers’ Professional Indemnity Company (LAWPRO) and acts for lawyers in professional negligence matters that engage family law issues.

Michelle is adept at understanding the problems facing her clients and crafting solution-focused strategies. She balances compassion for her clients’ circumstances with an extensive knowledge of the law to deliver advice tailored to each person who engages her. Michelle’s passion for legal research drives her creative yet academic approach to the practice of law. She strives to resolve matters out of court using mediation and direct negotiations, but advocates vigorously orally and in writing when a case must be litigated or arbitrated. 

School: University of Toronto (2018), Queen’s University (2015)

Call to Ontario Bar: 2019

Ontario Bar Association (Family Law); Toronto Lawyers Association; Advocates’ Society 

Community involvement & Awards
Vice President, University Rosedale New Democratic Party Riding Association (Federal branch), 2019-2020